Sunday, December 16, 2007

Meaning of life

Sometimes I just wonder if the things I believe in are naive childish things. That my life be much easier if I just think and feel differently. But I can't.
I stopped for a while, believed that I am wrong and tried to "fit in the world".
But now I am back.

Thank you, my secret friend for showing up in the right moment. Thank you for being the special person whatever happens. Thank you for making me think about what is important to me. Thank you for helping me find myself again.

I think life is wonderful if you believe. For me every time I start falling something happens. Nice or ugly, but something.
Like this email. It is so nice when someone tells you that you are special. And then you start feeling special again. Not just to them but to yourself. Wonderful!!!

Our parents tried best they can. We weren't perfect family and we are not perfect, my brother and I. But somehow I think we are different. At least different then most of people. And I am so proud of it.
I love my nice loud home. I like the talks we have and I like that we are so connected. There are things also I don't like but I miss my cosy home.

And the reason for feeling so nice now are these words:
"Thank you again becouse people like you give more sense to my life! "

And I want to thank you M for believing and for proving to me once again that I should believe too. In love and people.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Danas sam kao i svaki usamljeni gastarbajter otvorila nalog u Facebook-u. Moji Facebook prijatelji su uglavnom prijatelji koji su ovde. Provela sam vise od sat vremena pokusavajuci da se setim, ko bi iz moje proslosti mogao da ima profil na Facebook-u ali nije mi to poslo za rukom. Onda sam pokusala da se setim koliko je ljudi iz moje osnovne ili srednje skole negde u belom svetu jer su to najbolji kandidati za Facebook. I setila sam sam jedne drugarice za koju znam da u Izraelu radi doktorat.
Nisam stigla dalje od toga.
mozda cu se sutra setiti jos necega.
Laku noc.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Moje citavo bogatstvo sada, sastoji se od paketa plasticnih casa, jedne banane, caja od kamilice (srecom imam ketl u sobi), flase maslinovog ulja i flasice sirceta. A da, imam i dve plasticne viljuske.
Ali isto tako treba onako usput da spomenem da mi treba 15 min peske do Oxford Street-a ili 5 min peske do Hyde Parka.
I sta vise reci.